Welcome to Free-Swiss, your tournament pairing program - online!
What is Free-Swiss?
Free-Swiss is a swiss pairing program, free and online to obtain pairings in a swiss tournament, especially designed for chess tournaments. It follows the rules set by world chess federation FIDE
Who is intended to use Free-Swiss?
Users of Free-Swiss are organizers, who want to manage their tournaments from whereever they are. Publishing isn't a tedious thing anymore, players as well as visitors will be informed immediately.
How to use?
You should log in first. You will get a password by email instantly after submitting the application form.
After login you will reach the My-Free-Swiss-page, the central page of the application!
A click on "New tournament" is enough to build the frame. Now you can add the first players. Click ADD PLAYER from the
The following information are compulsary: 1.) Name 2.) Rating 3.) Title
more indications can be made later.
When all players are adjusted please have a look at the PARTICIPANTS-page, see the link on My-Free-Swiss-page.
You obtain the first pairings by clicking on New Pairings.
Few seconds and you will see a link right under the button - 1. Pairings - . Please click on this link.
This page is only accessable for you as logged-in owner of the tournament, no one else can enter this page. When getting the results put them into the input-field. A "1" in the field indicates a win for white
, even so a little w. A little "d" or a "r" meant a draw, a "0" or a little "b" will be counted as a win for black.
Press the button "update all results" to save one or all results. You will be directed to you central page.
The public will enjoy it if you update frequently! Also the ranking will be updated automatically by this!
How to publish the informations?
How described earlier, the updating of results is limited to you as the owner of the tournament, technically protected.
Simultaneously with your actions files were generated and available to the public on
www.free-swiss.com/tournaments/name_of_tournament/pairing1.htm resp. /pairing2.htm ranking1.htm and so on.
All you need to do is informing your audience with the address or name of your tournament, results and pairings are shown by the way.
During the process of making a new tournament you can declare to add your tournament to a listing on Free-Swiss homepage,
there will be a link to your published data too. Your tournament will get additional interest.
You may also want to publish on your own website. Copy the sourcecode from pairing1.htm etc. with a right-click and
put it on your website, please your sponsors with banners and feel free to what ever you want to do with the pairing text.
I hope Free-Swiss will help you getting more successful in organizing swiss paired chess tournaments!